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Thanks once again to the GFAA for the opportunity to award the jury prizes for one of your exhibitions. The GFAA fills an important role in the vitality and diversity of Gainesville’s visual arts community. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, I had to select the awards virtually, solely through reproductions of the work. I find it is important to experience the “object” quality of a work of art, seeing it

“in person” rather than reducing the artwork to being merely a picture. I find the physical presence, size, scale, texture and dimensionality a critical aspect of experiencing and evaluating a work of art. However, given the constraints place upon us by the situation we are all living with, I did my best to fairly evaluate the work submitted to this exhibition.


Congratulations to all award winners! As always, as it seems to be the case when I review GFAA shows, considering the variety of approaches, media, styles and talents, I could have certainly presented even more awards.


Richard Heipp

Professor, School of Art & Art History - University of Florida

Best in show

Mulberry Drift - Candace McCaffery


Award of Excellence

Worldly Peacock - Frank Curtis


Third Place Award

Bright Farm Pond - Alfred Phillips

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Merit awards

Angels Observe the Little Blue Planet - Catherine Goldman

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Manholes - Michael Frommer


Quiet Passage - Alfred Phillips

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Love the Hell Out of the World - John Seitz

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Sweetwater Wetlands Edge, Clouds, Studio Woods - Harold Barrand

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