President's Message
I am going to call this week’s message the PRESIDENT'S CHALLENGE.
I am afraid that I may have to repeat myself first…the GFAA and the GFAA Gallery are at this point ONLY because of wonderful members who VOLUNTEER.
If that word scares you, it might be because you think you have to sign over your life…you don’t.
I am challenging each and every one of you to check your calendar and see if you can give 4-6 hours a month to the GFAA. In fact, you just may find out that it is one of the best ways to meet other members AND you might actually have fun!
You could:
*help set up the food and wine table at the Opening Reception
*greet people at the door
*help plan an event
*assist with outside venues
*assist with Plein Air outdoor painting
*work in the Gallery
*write a press release
*assist with the GFAA Fine Arts Fair at Tioga
and more…
WHEN (not if) I get enough sign-ups, we will have a Volunteer Gathering, get to know each other and all questions will be answered.
We really do have a great time at the GFAA Gallery. Come be a part of the future. Send me an email and say yes to being a Volunteer:
Oh and of course, fill out the survey: