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So Much To See!

First thing's first…thank you to those of you who emailed me interested in being a volunteer. I will be seeing some of you tomorrow night at our Photography and Digital Art Opening Reception. Keep those e-mails coming…we need you! Again, I have to say, that the members of this Association have such great talent. The Photography and Digital Art show is a WOW! DON’T FORGET…you can come in any time and put something on THE SNAP SHOT WALL (see below)….even Friday night. As we move into the month of August, we need to prepare ourselves for the resurgence of Gainesville. The students will be back, football season will be creeping in and life will be hectic again. Keep your eye on the E-blast because we are ending the summer with a great topic at our August 11th 6:30 meeting on Art Appraising and starting September with a Collage Workshop that should be an incredible learning experience, as well as a lot of fun. (I will be taking it.) To connect some dots here…the Collage Workshop is September 8th and 9th. The timing on this is not by accident. The techniques you learn from this workshop will expand your skills for the Mixed Media and Collage Exhibit, drop off October 23. So sign up now! Just a note here. I entered 2 pieces in the Photo Exhibit. Never in my life did I think that I could do that. Thanks GFAA for all I have learned and been able to add to my bucket list!

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