Abstracts Opening Reception Tomorrow!

ATTENTION ARTISTS IN THE ABSTRACT EXHIBIT and every exhibit from now on: Do you want to help us help you sell your work? Here’s what I do that you can do, as well: Grab that Opening Reception flyer from our GFAA News E-blast that you get theThursday before the Art Walk Opening and drag it to your desktop page (PCs and Macs can both do this). Then Email the flyer to your friends, family, patrons and put it on your FB page and in all of your social media. The more people who come see our Gallery, the more chance you have to sell your art! The Collage Workshop still has some openings. If you are thinking about signing up you must go to http://www.sherryoneill.com/Collage-gallery.html to get an idea of what you will learn. Sherry does incredible work, and having taken a class from her already I promise you will come out with skills to create pieces of art that you didn’t even imagine you could. NO MEETING IN SEPTEMBER, but sign up with Alfred for the artists critique in October. We've revved up our social media presence on Instagram--if you are on IG please follow, hashtag (#GFAA), and share (especially if you are in the Gallery!). “Life is a great big canvas. Throw all the paint you can on it.” -Danny Kaye