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Fire in the Sky - Davis McGlathery

Fire in the Sky - Davis McGlathery

Acrylic on Canvas

18" X 24" X 1.5"


by Connie Biddle Morrison

I have a friend in Oregon. We parted on unfriendly terms, but now I think of her whenever the fires are on the news. I think of what a good artist she is and how I wish I had been a better person and was still in touch with her so I would know what is going on, that she is safe, or not.
I see the flames the reporter says are near. I smell the toxic smoke that could be curling under her door. I feel the heat of fire, and my face reddens at the thought of my last words, words I wish I could take back. When we met, she came on strong like a fiery blaze, her reeling from a divorce, me fresh into widowhood. My private side got overwhelmed. I snuffed out her enthusiasm with unreturned calls, the coward’s way. 
I have a friend in Oregon.


Girl Inflamed
by Fern F. Musselwhite

Where is Kenna? 
What do you mean?
She was here a few minutes ago. I told her to pack her things. The fire is coming, and we need to leave. Her bag is half packed but I can’t find her. 
Thea runs through the kitchen and out the back door. The smoke is waiting in ambush to fill her nose and eyes. Kenna, she thinks, she screams. Where have you gone?
Behind the cottage, the yard opens up into meadow. The tall green blades of summer sway in the wind, like worshippers entranced in their fervor, arms raised toward heaven. The sunlight falters, the blue of afternoon favors darkness, as smoke begins to gather. Underneath the thickening sky, through the lush grass, the trail winds away into the forest beyond.
Where is my child?
Thea runs through the open field, gasping for clean air. For clarity. In her mind she sees Kenna. Strands of auburn hair loosening from her ponytail. A freckled cheek shiny with sweat. Running shoes caked with mud. She knows her daughter will have run these trails one last time. Searching for animals to shepherd, for brambles to harvest for replanting. For any life to save from what man has wrought. What man has destroyed.
She pictures Kenna running into the woods. Running toward the flames. Running until she is gone.
My child. Please God, my child. I will walk into your fire if you save my girl inflamed.



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